What our Customers say...

Community Testimonials

SERVPRO of Gresham is a local family owned company that supports it's neighborhood schools and teachers. They took the time to pick up and deliver cubicles, desks, and file cabinets that were donated to our teachers. Any support our schools can get these days is great. We are very appreciative that SERVPRO of Gresham helped us out.Great crew! Thank you SERVPRO!

SERVPRO of Gresham was an incredible partner on our Guinness World Record Event at the 2016 Gresham Arts Festival. At the “Block of Fame” event, the community came together to paint 14,400 wooden blocks to create a 1225+ square foot mosaic on the street. SERVPRO volunteered to create a drying station for the painted wooden blocks to save our street from being covered in wet paint. They went above and beyond with an impressive set up, incredibly helpful volunteers who stayed all day to help and just a fun, positive attitude in general. Thank you SERVPRO for your partnership to the City and your heart for Gresham!

Jessica Harper

Assistant to the Mayor